¡Bienvenido a Community HealthCare Resources!
¡Está un paso más cerca de eliminar el estrés de la deuda de préstamos estudiantiles mientras se convierte en un lÃder y defensor de la salud en su comunidad!
Log into: https://studentaid.gov/fsa-id/sign-in/landing
After the confirmation prompts you will be brought to the "Dashboard" screen.
STEP 1: Screenshot #(1)
Screenshot "how to" instructions are at the bottom of the page.
STEP 2: Click the "Details" button
STEP 3: Click the "v" button:
STEP 4: Screenshot #(2) & Send to: JJ@chr501.org
How to get a screenshot on PC:
Press the PrtSc button on the top row (right).
Click your mouse into the email body section and press Control (Ctrl) V. This should paste the image into the email.
Or try this tutorial video: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/VriymnsW6Mo
How to get a screenshot on MAC:
Press Command, Shift, 4. This will give you a "Crosshair" (circle with cross) to drag over the area you want to copy.
Once copied the image should be saved to your desktop.
Drag the image into the email.
Or try this tutorial video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHDDfng5yC8